Kestrel is a gymnastics club specialising in acrobatics and tumbling, run by Head Coach Lyn Price, Assistant Coaches Caitlin Stewart, Hattie Davies, Ellie Jackson and Dr Kierri Price, with British Gymnastics certified gym helper Lawrence Smith, and support from our trainee coaches Dr Katy Green, Lois Irving, Lily Faulkner, Caitlyn Anning, and Will Allison. This team has many years of experience coaching gymnasts to regional and national level, as well as training and competing at regional, national, and international level in both acrobatics and tumbling. Find out more about our coaches here.
“Our emphasis is on providing a fun, friendly and safe environment for learning and improving gymnastic skills.”
Kestrel holds sessions on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Thornbury Leisure Centre.
Before you begin
Payment must be made before coaching can commence, and all gymnasts must be members of British Gymnastics. This is to ensure that the correct insurance cover is provided for your child through British Gymnastics. Please consult the website each term, for dates and payment options.
No jewellery should be worn during sessions, for the safety of the gymnast. This includes watches, fitbits, earrings, friendship bracelets, hard headbands, and hair jewellery. Please note that our club insurance through British Gymnastics is invalidated if tape is used to cover earrings or other jewellery.
Long hair should be tied back securely, and appropriate clothing should be worn. Leotards are required for all gymnasts regardless of gender, although for the first few sessions it is acceptable to wear shorts and t-shirt. Long trousers should be avoided as this can impede movement. Gymnasts can purchase the club leotard, shorts, leggings and t-shirt by using the form on the website or contacting the coach for further details and prices.
Gymnasts will train in bare feet, so please ensure any verrucas are protected by a secure covering such as ‘bazooka’ or a firmly fastened plaster.
We strongly advise that gymnasts visit the toilet before a session commences, but should a need arise during a session, the gymnast may be accompanied by an older gymnast or an assistant coach who will wait for the child outside the toilets.
Learn more about our classes here.
If you have any concerns you wish to discuss, please contact your coach by phone or email in advance of the session, or in person at the end of a session so that teaching is not interrupted, unless in an emergency. Welfare officers can be contacted by telephone if required. Contact details are available here.